What I am Snacking On: Coconut Granola Bars 

You guys! I am such a proud mom today. 

I had an eye appointment this morning. I had tried to find somewhere for Elijah to go so I wouldn’t have to try to keep him quiet and well-behaved during the appointment, but after three failed attempts, he had to come with me.  Continue reading “What I am Snacking On: Coconut Granola Bars “

What I am snacking on: chocolate covered almonds 

I have a massive sweet tooth. If you’re looking for savoury snacks, you won’t find much of that here. That’s why when my sister posted this recipe to her Arbonne business Facebook page I had to try it. 

While I didn’t use Arbonne’s protein powder because my husband and I have an Isagenix business, I think the results are the same. 

As Lyndsay stated in her post, the recipe uses 4 tbsp melted coconut oil (lucky me, summertime and no air conditioning means my coconut oil was already melted), 3 scoops protein powder (***Edit: I used Isagenix Chocolate IsaPro Whey Protein but they turned out a bit chewy for whatever reason. The recipe definitely works better with any flavour of the the IsaLean protein powders), and 14 almonds. 

Mix the coconut oil together with the protein powder, drop a small amount in the bottom of an ice cube tray then place an almond in each cube and top with another small spoonful of the oil and protein powder mixture. Pop in the freezer and when they are frozen, store in a container in the fridge. 

By eating smarter snacks I have managed to lose 10 lbs and 5.25 inches in a little more than 6 weeks. It’s slower progress than I would like but I also know based on my first pregnancy and breastfeeding journey, I am one of those people who does not lose the weight very quickly until after I am done breastfeeding. So any weight and inches lost at this point is progress in my books. 

Coconut Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

After we finished supper tonight, my husband asked if there was anything else. Any dessert is what he meant. However, since we began making an effort to eat more healthy I have been baking far less. Also, Cody asks for protein powder in everything.

Since October 25, 2014 my husband has gone from 350 pounds to 280 pounds. He did this by changing his eating habits and adopting the Isagenix lifestyle. Basically this means that we both consume a lot more protein, which has been instrumental in each of us losing some of the extra fluff. We’ve also both been more active, in fact I am writing to the [creepy] soundtrack of Tony Horton, his [not my] choice of video trainer.

Earlier tonight I found a recipe on a food blog I like to browse, Two Peas and Their Pod, for whole wheat oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. The recipe uses coconut oil instead of butter and whole wheat flour instead of white flour. I thought to myself, “this is doable.” I was recently inspired by my middle sister to try baking with coconut sugar as a means of avoiding refined sugar, so I figured I would sub out the sugar in this recipe for coconut sugar and make a “healthier” chocolate chip cookie.

Continue reading “Coconut Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies”