Reflection: Just one year ago…

Lac Cardinal, Grimshaw Alberta

As the weather continues to become more and more gorgeous here I can’t help but miss the beaches of southwestern Ontario and the wonderful people there who helped me enjoy them. Last summer I was walking along the beach with Matt, Sarah and Justin, Carrie and Courtney, riding sea doos and playing competitive games of bocce ball and bean bags. While I have no idea what this summer holds for me, I’m hoping the adventures alongside the river and in lake-less campgrounds will be able to top last years memories.

Tonight I decided I would conquer one fear and drive out to the Wilderness Park and go for a walk. No, the walk through the wilderness park wasn’t the fear I needed to conquer, it was the five kilometres of gravel roads I needed to travel in order to get there. Fortunately, I made it to the park and back home safely. Unfortunately, walking through a densely wooded area on my own did prove to be a bit more unnerving than I thought. Next time, I’ll take a friend – who can drive. Gravel roads still aren’t my favourite thing in the world.

Because I wanted to enjoy the beautiful weather and find a quiet place to just be with God, I decided to drive to Lac Cardinal. This drive was easier as the path to the Lake is a paved road – perfect, exactly my kind of driving. It’s not the same as the beaches of Lake Huron, but it was perfect for what I needed and I think I may have just found my new summer spot.

Seeking strength, dignity and laughter.

I decided to read Proverbs 31 while at the lake. Part of taking a year to focus on God is working on my heart and preparing myself for whomever God has in store for me, which is why I thought Proverbs 31 might be an excellent choice for tonight. God never ceases to amaze me with the powerful words, promises and challenges he presents us in his book. The verse I’ve chosen as my prayer is verse 25: “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”

I’m a planner. I like to make sure everything is in order and everyone is on the same page and only then am I able to relax and enjoy. This verse struck deep in my heart because I can honestly say I can’t laugh without fear of the future. There are so many things I want to know, I want guaranteed, things I know I won’t know until they are happening or have already happened. However, that’s not to say I won’t be able to laugh soon. If this year has taught me nothing else, it’s that God has a wonderful way of working in a supernatural and awesome way and when I allow him to do his work unhindered I am happier, brighter and more full of life.

Decisions, hobbies and familiarities

My newest hobby

Most mornings I try to get up by 6:30 to get ready and be out the door at 6:45 in order to meet two of my new girl friends for an early morning speed walk. Now, we’re not that dedicated, this week I think we only met once to walk and I ran one other day on my own, but I’m going to go right ahead and blame that on a short work week and the fact that they all left for a weekend conference in Edmonton.

I had played with the idea of studying for a bachelor of theology here in Grimshaw through the church. This would mean I would be paying for school and committing to living here for another five years. Breathe mom. I’ve decided this week that the career I spent so much money on and just started is good for now and I recently obtained a volunteer position at a local school as a music tutor. Yes, a music tutor. I found a good used clarinet on ebay for next to nothing and have started to play again. I’m going to hopefully brush up my skills over the summer and work with the Lloyd Garrison School band in the fall.

There was something about the kids at LGS that drew me in the second I covered my first event there. There are maybe 150 kids in the school between Kindergarten and Grade 9 (in Alberta, elementary schools are K-9 and high schools are 9-12, this still doesn’t make sense to me). Each time I go to that school I feel like it’s a place where God can use me and perhaps by sharing my gifts in the area of music, I can do just that! I’m not claiming to be an excellent musician, I mean I haven’t played in a good four years. But I think I can handle Grade 6 to 9 students who have very little experience :p

It’s hard for me to believe that I have already been here for nine months, the time has just flown by. The good news is that Grimshaw really is beginning to feel like home. This afternoon I walked comfortably through one of the back alleys on the way to my house, something I would have never done in October. Alleys in Ontario and alleys in Alberta are two very different things.

I think that’s all of an update for tonight, I’m in the middle of reading the Twilight Saga and it’s sucking me in. So off I go to read about adorable Jacob and beautiful Edward.

Edible face masks? Yes please!

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What could be more fun that putting 30 women in one room filled with spa treatments? I’m not sure, I wasn’t even skeptical and as it turned out, it was a great evening of Christian fellowship and pampering.

And for those of you who are wondering, no I did not eat my face mask (but it was made of oatmeal, yogurt and honey), and yes, the woman in the photo did actually lick me.

Revival Week in Grimshaw

I only have a few short minutes to post something but I thought I better do it now before the week gets away from me. The weather this weekend was gorgeous which was excellent since the church completed 51 km of highway clean up on Saturday. I didn’t have to work so I volunteered my time and ended up having  a really good time. Who knew picking up garbage could be such a great way to spend a Saturday?

Rebecca, Wanita and I - together we made a great garbage picking team

I’ve also obtained two power walk/running partners! Two of the women I met at church also live in town and were looking for the motivation to start walking. Enter Krisitin. We’ve only gone twice (Friday and today, but to be fair Saturday we did walk many kilometres picking up garbage!) but I can see a great routine starting and the pounds just shedding.

This morning I also got up super early to go and pray at the church. There is prayer every Monday morning at 6 a.m. and Wanita asked if I wanted to pray and then walk. I thought this might be an excellent way to start the week, and so far I think I might have been right. I have to run off to Peace River now to go and do court reporting and later tonight Revival Week starts at the church. There is going to be a church service every night of the week at 7 p.m. and I couldn’t be more excited. I feel God inside of me almost every week on Sunday and know that He is going to be present at the church this week too.

Some family have been concerned that if they call me on my cell they will be using my time and costing me lots of money. It’s not true 🙂 I have unlimited national calling, so I suppose I could call all of you too. Anyways, feel free to call me family – it doesn’t cost me a thing!

Oh! And I cut my hair off – much more successfully this time for those of you who remember the last time my hair was really short. It’s not long enough for a pony tail but it’s going to be great as the weather gets warmer.

Some of the 40 or so volunteers that came out to help on Saturday.

Life is busy, but I’m making it through

Last week was utter chaos. My editor was in Jasper for a library board conference, our office receptionist was unable to come to work and our ad manager was on vacation until Wednesday. What did that mean? I, the reporter, was responsible for completing all the office functions on my own on Tuesday.

Then for the rest of the week, make sure I have enough copy to fill a 12 page paper on my own. Talk about stress. I was exhausted most evenings and now have an even greater appreciation for Ashley Foley, who works that hard every week. granted her papers are 8 pages instead of 12-16 but she is all on her own, all the time.

On Friday evening I attended a PRSD awards gala and was seated at the front with the other Peace River media. Despite being absolutely drained, and my only interview decided not to show up, it was a good night spent with like-minded (in terms of career) people.

On Tuesday I had experienced a new first. My first-ever campfire in April, while there was still snow on the ground. I’ve finally become involved with the College and Careers group at my church and I can honestly say I’m not say I’m not sure why I didn’t get involved earlier. They’re great (and most of them now have access to my Facebook page and thus have access to my blog, I guess I should say some nice things, right?) Anyways, the fire was great and I’m looking forward to spending a lot more time fire side as the weather continues to become more gorgeous.

Then, on Saturday evening we all met for College and Careers and learned about the church. It was a great reminder of what exactly the church is and what it’s not. I love being challenged in my faith and reminded why I fell in love with God in the first place.

I’m about one month into my year of singledom and am definitely seeing the benefits. The unfortunate realization that I’ve had most recently is that Kristin out of a relationship is dedicated to seeking God. Kristin in a relationship is dedicated to the relationship, which is most unfortunate when it comes to my relationship with God. These are all things that I love to learn and realize for myself (even if they’re things my family and friends have noticed and may or may not have told me in the past). Most of all I’m just enjoying developing this relationship with God that is more real and more intimate and more vulnerable than it’s ever been. I can honestly say that God is good.