Trying something new at lightning-quick speeds

Last week something exciting arrived at work via Purolator. That something exciting may also give some of my Ontario readers who are related to me a slight heart attack.

Last week Purolator delivered a helmet, jacket and gloves for me to wear on Cody’s street bike and tonight we tried riding together for the first time. I’d like to say he was super nice to me and went at slow cruiser speeds the entire time – but then I’d be lying. However, I’ll never tell you how fast he did go (I’d really like my parents and grandparents to still love him when they meet him at Christmas time).

The only other motorcycle I’ve been on is my grandpa’s and that his cruiser couldn’t be more different. While I get to sit back, listen to classical or gospel music and relax in the comfy seat with arm rests on grandpa’s bike, I have to sit 100 per cent still and brace myself against the gas tank on Cody’s.

All I have to say after tonight is that riding on the bike wasn’t as scary as I thought it might be and it was a ton of fun. I look forward to getting more comfortable on the bike, it will be a nice way to travel when the weather is nice.

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I probably should have listened to my mother more

Today I worked for a few hours in the afternoon and then went home to start preparing a bumbleberry pie, without strawberries as I would prefer for my dear boyfriend to live to see another day. Anyways, I made the crust at my place and then packed everything up to go to Cody’s because we were having Sunday Soup for dinner (I know, I know Sunday Soup on Saturday doesn’t make sense, but trust me, it works), and I needed to add barley and noodles to the soup so they would cook before Cody had to go to worship practice.

After the soup was on the stove to re-heat with noodles and barley added, I got to work preparing this pie. I had originally thought I would make it because Cody and I thought we’d visit our pastor tonight. His wife has been in Mexico the last few weeks and every time we bump into him he tells us how empty his fridge is. I figured a pie would be a great thing to bring along.

I finished the pie and cleaned up the counter all before Cody noticed exactly how much flour was all over his kitchen. I thought I had been doing a good job of cleaning up after myself. The counters were sparkling, the dishes were done and put away and the soup still simmering on the stove. Apparently I forgot about all the kitchen cabinets I touched and drawers I opened with floured hands…Cody’s kitchen cupboards are dark, so it didn’t take long for him to figure out exactly where I had been in his kitchen.

After dinner and once the pie was complete Cody left for worship practice. As he was leaving he said “I’ll see you when I get back. Make yourself at home. (pause) Wait, don’t. You make a mess.”

My mom always told me that whomever I chose to date and possibly spend my life with would pick up on my messy ways. I never thought I was that messy (unless you entered my teenage  room…that was very messy), but now that I’ve met Cody, I can see I’m going to have to start remembering all those meticulous house-cleaning lessons mom gave, since the above-average cleaning lessons aren’t quite doing the trick.

P.S. Pastor Rob, if you’re reading this and wondering why you didn’t get any pie, it’s because we couldn’t get a hold of you – so we fed it to the worship team.