World’s Best Husband Award goes to…

Mr. Cody Dyck! (But really did you think I was going to say anyone else?)

Yesterday evening Cody did so many wonderful things in such a short period of time, I felt it was time I bragged a little. So bare with me for a few moments.

Continue reading “World’s Best Husband Award goes to…”

Tricking baby into eating

Elijah is a pretty particular eater. We’ve struggled to get anything in his mouth from the second day we started to try. I say second day, because on the first day he gobbled what we gave him right up. It’s as if, after a good nights sleep, he realized eating was for fools.

In the last month he has warmed up to peas and sweet potato. He also loves bananas. But what he likes most is to feed himself. Of course he doesn’t eat much that way, but at least he’s trying something.

We tried some baby rice crackers, which he loved, but when I looked at the ingredients list, I was less than impressed. As a result I set out on a mission to make my own.

Continue reading “Tricking baby into eating”

Nine months to gain and nine months to lose?

That’s it. I am sick and tired of my gorgeous and sparkling engagement ring not fitting right. Sure I can get it on, but getting it off isn’t quite as easy. This has resulted in a bit of painful eczema on my left ring finger, and while Arbonne Diaper Rash Cream (interested? Ask Lyndsay Fintelman for help ordering!) works wonders, it’s not something that I particularly like to have on my finger all the time. It also gums up my ring making it much less sparkly. I know, I know, why don’t I take it off before putting the cream on? Well…like I said before, my finger decides when I can or cannot take off my ring and when it’s angry with eczema, that often means the ring is not coming off.

To help remedy this, I began doing the Bikini Body Mommy Challenge 2.0 on YouTube in December. I love it. Yesterday marked the beginning of her new 3.0 challenge and after completing day 2, I am hopeful that my ring will once again fit comfortably (for those of you wondering about my wedding ring, it seems to fit better and therefore gets to see much more of the world via my finger). For other moms looking for a quick but effective workout, I would recommend this. It gets my heart rate up, has me sweating, and is only 20 minutes in length. This means I can enjoy my coffee, get ready for my workout, complete the workout, and shower all before the little guy wakes up from his nap….speaking of the little guy, I think that’s him waking up now…



…When I was around four-months pregnant I went for a dress fitting for my baby sister’s wedding, which happened at the end of August. At that time I was confident the dress I ordered would be huge come August (just three months after the birth of my son). I should have known better. The dress fit, but no alterations were required.

Now my little monkey is seven months old and I’ve still got about 10 pounds of baby weight (read Ketchup chips, poutine and candy….I swear I also ate healthy things while pregnant). My sister-in-law kept telling me: “It takes nine months to put on the weight Kristin, it will take at least that to take it off.” I guess she was right.

My official goal is, by the time the little guy is nine months old, to be comfortably wearing my rings again. Who knew weight gain in your hands would be the hardest thing to lose post-pregnancy?