An intro to outpatient life

We have now completed our first week with outpatient appointments.

Ezra’s first appointment was on Monday and that day could not have come sooner. As I mentioned before, Ezra had been experiencing extreme abdominal pain. On top of that, we ran out of the only pain medication that worked on Sunday afternoon.

Sunday night was rough.

Ezra and I arrived at 4E2, the paediatric oncology outpatient ward, exhausted. Ezra was also next level grouchy. Yelling at any nurse who dared ask him any question at all.

At one point, during a dressing change for his PICC line, there were three hospital staff around him, and I was at the side of his bed helping to hold him still and offer any kind of calm presence he would accept. Well, Ezra was not pleased and he let us know. At one point he yelled “Get away from me you stupid doctors.”

Insert me, the cringing mom trying to apologize to the hospital staff, while gently correcting her very exhausted and steroid raging five-year-old’s language 😬😳

Ezra got through the rest of his appointment without getting any meaner, and thankfully that was the low point in our week so far.

We got a new prescription for pain medication but haven’t had to use it. It turns out the majority of Ezra’s pain was in fact caused by constipation, a problem that is no longer plaguing him.

On Wednesday we even got out for a walk, and a “stroll,” as Ezra would say.

Because Ezra is so weak right now, I asked to have my BOB Revolution Jogger brought to the city. With a weight limit of 70 lbs, this seven-year-old stroller is more than capable of handling Ezra. Over the years I have been grateful we chose the stroller we did, and this past week I was once again so grateful. It has handled our needs with each new addition to the family and now, when I thought my kids were past stroller age, it is proving to be even more invaluable than ever.

So, on Wednesday I walked and Ezra “strolled.” On that walk Ezra commented on how good the fresh air felt. He also smiled for a picture, and was so kind and sweet. It was so nice to have a small glimpse of my boy during that walk.

We have spent lots of time building various LEGO things this week. It’s nice to see Ezra actually want to take part in the building instead of just asking Cody or myself to do it all for him.

Then, on Thursday we were back at the hospital for more chemo. While the day was so much longer than I expected, everything went well. Ezra was in a much less hostile mood and while he still isn’t much into visiting with the nursing staff, he also didn’t call anyone stupid. So, hallelujah for small steps in the right direction.

3 thoughts on “An intro to outpatient life

  1. Thank you for the updates. I pray daily for the little man and the rest of the family. May god give you all strength to get through this very difficult time.

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